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精品推荐 —— 浮雕鎏金鹿鹤同春青石洮砚(带盖)

2024-05-24 作者:互联网

Recommended products - Cameo Gilt Lapis Lazuli Inkstone Tao Inkstone

*本次藏品 浮雕鎏金鹿鹤同春青石洮砚(带盖)

典藏尺寸:38cm x 24cm 铭文:清白乃心。乙酉初秋日。

洮砚,中国四大名砚之一,与广东端砚、安徽歙砚、澄泥砚齐名,并称中国四大名砚。洮砚的生产距今已有1300多年的历史。产于甘肃省甘南州卓尼县洮砚乡。洮砚以其石色碧绿、雅丽珍奇、质坚而细、晶莹如玉、扣之无声、呵之可出水珠、发墨快而不损毫、储墨久而不干涸的特点饮誉海内外,历来为宫廷雅室的珍品,文人墨客的瑰宝,馈赠亲友的佳礼,古玩库存中的奇葩。历代文人、学者、书画家对洮砚赋铭咏诗,赞叹不已。唐代柳公权 《论砚》记道:“蓄砚以青州为第一,绛州次之,后始端、歙、临洮”。北宋著名鉴赏家赵希鹄《洞天青禄集》云:“除端、歙二石外,惟洮河绿石,北方最贵重,绿如蓝,润如玉,发墨不减端溪下砚,然石在大河深水之底,非人力所致,得之为无价之宝”。宋代大文豪苏轼、黄庭坚赞叹洮砚:“洗之砺,发金铁,琢而泓,坚密泽”、“久闻岷石鸭头绿,可磨桂溪龙文刀,莫嫌文吏不使武,要使饱霜秋兔毫”。当代书法大师赵朴初题诗:“风漪分得洮州绿,坚似青铜润如玉”。

Tao yan, one of the four famous inkstones in China, and guangdong duan yan, anhui she yan, chengyi yan, and the four famous inkstones in China. The production of Tao yan has a history of more than 1300 years. Produced in gansu province gannan prefecture zhuo ni county Tao yan township. Tao inkstone with its stone color turquoise, elegant and rare, the quality of firm and fine, crystalline as jade, buckle the soundless, huh can be out of the water beads, hair ink fast and does not damage the millimeter, storage ink for a long time and does not dry up the characteristics of the reputation at home and abroad, traditionally for the court elegant room treasures, the literati and the treasure of the artists, gifts to friends and relatives of the gift of the antique stock in the oddball. All generations of literati, scholars, painters and calligraphers on the Tao ink stone inscription poem, marveled at. Tang dynasty liu gongquan “on inkstone” recorded: “storage inkstone to qingzhou for the first, jiangzhou second, after the beginning of end, she, lintao”. The famous connoisseur of the Northern Song Dynasty Zhao Xiguan “hole day green Lu set” cloud: “In addition to the end, She two stone, but Taohe green stone, the most valuable northern, green as blue, moist as jade, hair ink is not less than the end of the creek under the inkstone, but the stone in the bottom of the deep water of the river, not due to human beings, and get it for the invaluable treasure”. Song dynasty great writer Su Shi, Huang Tingjian praised Tao inkstone: “wash the sharpening, hair gold and iron, faceted and泓, firm and dense zephyr”, “long heard of Minshi duck head green, can grind Guixi Longwen knife, do not suspect that the civil servants do not make martial arts, to make the full of frost and autumn rabbit hair”. Contemporary calligraphy master Zhao Puchu poem: “wind ripples divided Taozhou green, firm as bronze moist as jade”.

*本次藏品 浮雕鎏金鹿鹤同春青石洮砚(带盖)

典藏尺寸:38cm x 24cm


Recently my company collected a relief gilt deer and crane with spring green stone Tao stone ink stone (with cover), the collection size length 38cm, width 24cm. this ink stone for Tao stone made, the ink stone body emerald green, the stone quality glistening fine, the modeling is simple and elegant, simple and heavy. Green is the representative color of the Tao stone, the Tao stone not only color show and has the quality of guizhang. The vessel is in the shape of a teardrop, by the ink stone cover and the ink stone body two parts. Inkstone cover decorated with shallow relief carving deer and crane with spring figure, and gilt treatment. Deer and crane in the same spring, also known as the six contracted spring, is one of the ancient Chinese symbolic tattoos. Liuhe refers to the four directions of heaven and earth (heaven and earth and south-east and north-west), and also refers to the world in general. The six contracts of spring means that all the world is in spring, and all things are thriving. Folkloric use of harmonic techniques, “deer” to take the sound of “Lu”; “crane” to take the sound of “He”. The symbolism of “spring” is taken from flowers, pine trees, tsubaki trees and so on. These images, combined to form the “six contracts spring” auspicious pattern. Inkstone body carved double dragon playing with pearls auspicious clouds, two chi dragons look at each other, chi dragons are extremely delicate carving, the head of the face is clear, the expression of the spirit. The dragons are coiled and rich in body changes, the body is smooth and natural, flexible and upright, with a spine, rounded shoulders, strong limbs, claws, joints decorated with swirling patterns, and the tail of the flower and leaf is freely bifurcated and rolled, rigid and flexible, with a deep sense of hierarchy in the air. A pearl is suspended between the two dragons, and the origin of the image of the two dragons playing with the pearl comes from the planetary orbit diagram in astronomy, and the pearl is evolved from the moon. Zhuangzi says: “The pearl of a thousand gold must be in the nine abysses and under the jaw of a black dragon”; Bei Ya also says “the pearl of the dragon is in the jaw”; Shui Yi Ji says: “Wherever there is a dragon pearl, the dragon spits it out ... ..."; Yue people's proverb: 'It is better to plant a thousand mu of wood slaves than a dragon pearl. In ancient Chinese mythology, the dragon pearl is the essence of dragons, the original god of their cultivation, so in artistic expression, people symbolize the pursuit of a better life by showing two dragons fighting over the jade pearl. The body of the inkstone is meticulously polished, and the chi dragons carved therein are lifelike and vivid, majestic and dignified, with an elegant and graceful body, and a movement in the stillness. At the same time, this kind of gilt lapis lazuli Tao ink stone is extremely rare, is lapis lazuli Tao ink stone boutique, as the study room furnishings quite elegant.


For information about the above collections, please contact: Sichuan Jun Zailai Auction Group Co.